世新大學 新聞傳播學院


主頁 » 教研單位 » 全球智能傳播全英學士學位學程(114學年度起招生)



  • 招生學年度:114學年度
  • 招生名額:45名
  • 招生管道:僑生及港澳生申請入學、外國學生申請入學
  • 教育目標:旨在培育具備跨領域知識和全球視野的傳播人才。
  • 學程特色:世新大學以傳播教育起家,因應數位轉型、國際傳播科技和 AI 應用的革命性發展,近年引入頂尖軟硬體設備、聘請專業菁英師資與課程改造,發展「數位傳播貫穿各學門、數據智能結合各專業」的辦學特色。因此,「智能傳播」全英語學位學程結合「數位傳播」和「數據智能」的理論與應用,利用現代科技和數據分析提升傳播效果和效率,並提供外籍學生台灣媒體與文化創意產業的實務經驗,瞭解台灣媒體環境特色,未來畢業生返回原籍國家,可成為善用新傳播科技與AI技術的新一代國際化媒體影音人才。
  • 課程架構:學程設置於新聞傳播學院,整合世新大學人文社會學院、管理學院、法律學院等跨域課程與教學資源,規劃三大核心的專業課程模組,包括「影視傳播」、「數據智能與行銷傳播」、「傳播科技法律」。

  • 畢業發展:作為一種革命性技術,人工智能的發展與應用對經濟社會發展變革的影響日益深入。經過本學程四年多元跨領域課程培育,致力於影視傳播、行銷及跨國企業等全方面人才之養成。透過本學程的修習,本學程畢業生可返國投入該國媒體市場,並將台灣媒體之發展經驗帶入該國。台灣傳媒環境發達,傳媒企業發展行之有年,來台就讀學生可透過本學程安排獲致相當台灣獨特之媒體經驗,返國後可將台灣獲致之媒體經驗帶回母國媒體環境,帶動該國傳媒產業發展。


  • 課程規劃:


    • 跨域應用與程式協作(2學分)
    • 全媒體識讀(2學分)
    • 華語文(4學分)
    • 英文寫作(2學分)
    • 體育(4學分)
    • 傳播理論(2學分)
    • 傳播技能(4學分)


    • 法律與數位生活
    • 人工智慧與法律
    • 娛樂產業與法律
    • 行銷溝通
    • 生成式AI入門應用
    • 全球化
    • 社群媒體行銷與實作
    • 智慧財產權
    • OPEN AI整合應用
    • 全媒體影像傳播
    • 塑身與減重
    • 英美文學
    • 藝術與生活
    • 語言與流行文化
    • 電影與文化


    • 影視傳播模組:(18學分)
      • 影視概論與製作(一上,3學分)
      • 基礎影視攝影(一下,3學分)
      • 影視內容創作與腳本撰寫(二上,3學分)
      • 影視企劃寫作(二下,3學分)
      • 進階影視製作(三上,3學分)
      • 跨媒體內容製作(三下,3學分)
    • 據智能與行銷傳播模組:(10學分)
      • 數位媒體與AI基礎(一上,2學分)
      • 整合行銷傳播 (三上,2學分)
      • 數據分析與可視化(二下,2學分)
      • 行銷傳播原理(二上,2學分)
      • 新傳播科技(一下,2學分)
    • 傳播科技法律模組:(6學分)
      • 科技法律導論(一下,2學分)
      • 科技倫理與法律(二下,2學分)
      • 網路安全與數據隱私(三下,2學分)
    • 跨模組:(14學分)
      • 全球智能傳播導論(一上,3學分)
      • AI生成內容創作(三上,2學分)
      • 產業實習(四上,3學分)
      • 專業專題(四上、四下,4學分)
      • 全球數位傳播與創新(四下,2學分)


    • 影視傳播模組:
      • 影視表演實作(一上,3學分)
      • 化妝學(一下,3學分)
      • 播音主持(二上,3學分)
      • 影音剪輯(二上,3學分)
      • 虛擬現實與擴境實境製作(二下,3學分)
      • LVS虛擬製作攝影棚實務(二下,3學分)
      • 進階影視製作(三上,3學分)
      • 跨媒體敘事(三下,3學分)
      • 播客與音頻實務(四上,3學分)
      • 高階影音科技與創新製作(四下,3學分)
    • 數據智能與行銷傳播模組:
      • 數據處理基礎(一上,2學分)
      • 品牌故事與視覺設計(一下,2學分)
      • 大數據與精準行銷(二上,2學分)
      • 社群媒體與內容行銷(二下,2學分)
      • 商業智能(三上,2學分)
      • 數位廣告與程序化購買(三下,2學分)
      • 新媒體經濟與變現模式(四上,2學分)
      • 全球品牌策略與管理(四下,2學分)
    • 傳播科技法律模組:
      • 智慧財產權概論(二上,2學分)
      • 國際智慧財產權法(三上,2學分)
      • 數位版權與內容監控(三下,2學分)
      • AI倫理與未來科技(四下,2學分)
    • 跨模組:
      • 跨文化溝通與全球視野(一上,2學分)
      • 傳播科技與社會變遷(一下,2學分)
      • 新媒體生態與趨勢分析(二上,2學分)
      • 傳播領導力與創新管理(二下,2學分)
      • 企業傳播與危機管理(三上,2學分)
      • 數位時代的公共關係(三下,2學分)
      • 全球數位傳播與創新(四上,2學分)


                 EMI課程:新聞系、廣電系、圖傳系、公廣系、口傳系、資傳系、數媒系、傳管系、法律系、財 金系、資管系、觀光系、經濟系、行管系、企管系

Bachelor’s degree program in English for Global Intelligent Communication

  • Educational Objectives: The program aims to cultivate communication professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge and a global perspective.
  • Program Features: Shih-Hsin University, founded on journalism and communication, serves as a leader in communication education. With the mission of ‘integrating digital communication across all disciplines and combining data intelligence with various professions,’ we aim to provide overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao, and international students with the most advanced and professional communication education. The school continues to deepen technological innovation by not only offering students a comprehensive media creation environment but also cultivating a new generation of globally-minded media and audiovisual talent for the industry. Furthermore, we aspire to pioneer the future of mainstream media, embracing the innovative development trends of the intelligent communication era, upholding the responsibilities and mission of media in this new age, and strengthening our capacity for integrated development in intelligent communication.
  • Curriculum Structure:

(1) University/College Required Credits: 20 credits

  • Cross-domain Applications and Programming Collaboration (2 credits)
  • Media Literacy (2 credits)
  • Mandarin Chinese (4 credits)
  • English Writing (2 credits)
  • Physical Education (4 credits)
  • Communication Theory (2 credits)
  • Communication Skills (4 credits)

(2) Elective General Education Credits: 12 credits

  • Law and Digital Life
  • AI and Law
  • Entertainment Industry and Law
  • Marketing Communication
  • Introduction to Generative AI
  • Globalization
  • Social Media Marketing and Practice
  • Stage Performance Practice

(3) Professional Required Credits for the Program: 48 credits

  • Film and Television Communication Module: 18 credits
    • Introduction to Film and Television Production (3 credits)
    • Basic Cinematography (3 credits)
    • Film Content Creation and Scriptwriting (3 credits)
    • Film Planning and Writing (3 credits)
    • Advanced Film Production (3 credits)
    • Cross-Media Content Production (3 credits)
  • Data Intelligence and Marketing Communication Module: 10 credits
    • Digital Media and AI Basics (2 credits)
    • New Communication Technology (2 credits)
    • Principles of Marketing Communication (2 credits)
    • Data Analysis and Visualization (2 credits)
    • Integrated Marketing Communication (2 credits)
  • Communication Technology Law Module: 6 credits
    • Introduction to Technology Law (2 credits)
    • Technology Ethics and Law (2 credits)
    • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy (2 credits)
  • Cross-Module Courses: 14 credits
    • Introduction to Global Smart Communication (3 credits)
    • AI-Generated Content Creation (2 credits)
    • Industry Internship (3 credits)
    • Professional Project (4 credits)
    • Global Digital Communication and Innovation (2 credits)

(4) Professional Elective Credits for the Program: 24-48 credits

  • Film and Television Communication Module: 18 credits
    • Film Performance Practice (3 credits)
    • Makeup Studies (3 credits)
    • Broadcasting and Hosting (3 credits)
    • Video Editing (3 credits)
    • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Production (3 credits)
    • LVS Virtual Production Studio Practice (3 credits)
    • Advanced Film Production (3 credits)
    • Cross-Media Narratives (3 credits)
    • Podcast and Audio Practice (3 credits)
    • Advanced Audiovisual Technology and Creative Production (3 credits)
  • Data Intelligence and Marketing Communication Module:
    • Basics of Data Processing (2 credits)
    • Brand Storytelling and Visual Design (2 credits)
    • Big Data and Precision Marketing (2 credits)
    • Social Media and Content Marketing (2 credits)
    • Business Intelligence (2 credits)
    • Digital Advertising and Programmatic Buying (2 credits)
    • New Media Economy and Monetization Models (2 credits)
    • Global Brand Strategy and Management (2 credits)
  • Communication Technology Law Module:
  • Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (2 credits)
  • International Intellectual Property Law (2 credits)
  • Digital Copyright and Content Monitoring (2 credits)
  • AI Ethics and Future Technology (2 credits)
  • Cross-Module Courses:
    • Cross-Cultural Communication and Global Perspective (2 credits)
    • Communication Technology and Social Change (2 credits)
    • New Media Ecosystems and Trend Analysis (2 credits)
    • Communication Leadership and Innovation Management (2 credits)
    • Corporate Communication and Crisis Management (2 credits)
    • Public Relations in the Digital Age (2 credits)
    • Global Digital Communication and Innovation (2 credits)

(5) Free Elective Credits: 0-24 credits

All-English courses are available in other departments

  • Career Development:

As a revolutionary technology, the development and application of artificial intelligence are having an increasingly profound impact on economic and social transformation. After four years of interdisciplinary courses, the program strives to cultivate professionals in film and television communication, marketing, and multinational corporations. Graduates will be able to return to their home countries and enter the media markets, bringing with them the experience gained from Taiwan’s media environment. Taiwan has a well-developed media industry, and students who study here will acquire unique insights into Taiwan’s media landscape, which they can apply to their home countries’ media industries to promote its development.

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